of Turbulent Wall Jet
Designed a wall jet experiment to study turbulence structure and ranked #3/70 in Mechatronics class
Built a traversing flow measurement setup with stepper motors and a pitot tube controlled by LabView algorithm
Study the mean velocities and turbulence structure of a wall jet.
A thorough knowledge of the fluid mechanics of the wall jet can improve the future design of industry devices, such as gas-turbine combustion chambers.
My Role
Investigated literature for existing wall jet data as experiment baseline.
Built the experiment setup using a fan, acrylic boards, and a moving pitot tube.
Conducted data analysis with Matlab and compared against literature.
Presented findings of turbulent wall jet:
Turbulence velocity profiles are self-similar, which means they are independent of the fluid medium.
Examined the growth rate and decay of streamwise velocity compared with literature data.
Comparing our self-similarity plot to the literature.
Comparing our decay of streamwise mean velocity to the literature.
Complete Work
Collaborator: Warren Su